Alli is my name, Super Woman is my calling. Or at least my father in law seems to think so. I am a wife of 6 years, mother of two wild and crazy boys, full time college student, maid, cook, etc. I'm not perfect by any means, but I think everybody has got a few tricks up their sleeves to help keep their sanity in the busy world of today. I hope you enjoy this fun (hopefully) blog of my tricks and trades of motherhood and ideas to keep your sanity! Leave a comment, tell me your ideas, I am always open!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bandwagon blues...

Oh I have a bit of the bandwagon blues this week. After a great streak with my new diet/exercise plan of losing about 2-3 plans per week, we took a weekend trip to Sun Valley to watch Ben run in the Sawtooth Relay and I kind of fell off the diet bandwagon :(

Now it wasn't completely horrible, I gained 4 pounds over the weekend. Which I contribute mostly to eating out A LOT! And probably some empty calories due to some "adult" beverages :)

So this week is some serious work getting it off, which I have to say I am pretty confident I can do it! Everything else in the diet is going well, still no soda, lots of water, not as much time at the gym as I would like (but I try to make up for it at home). I have even found some really great recipes that give me the ratio of more protein than carbs in my meals! I am still really excited about the changes that have been happening!

I am feeling better, not nearly as tired as I use to be! I think the no soda is a huge part of that. The fact that it's summer and I can be out and about with my boys makes a big difference too, summer camping and being outdoors here we come!

So I am hopping back on the bandwagon and working my booty off (literally hopefully!) Wish me luck!