Alli is my name, Super Woman is my calling. Or at least my father in law seems to think so. I am a wife of 6 years, mother of two wild and crazy boys, full time college student, maid, cook, etc. I'm not perfect by any means, but I think everybody has got a few tricks up their sleeves to help keep their sanity in the busy world of today. I hope you enjoy this fun (hopefully) blog of my tricks and trades of motherhood and ideas to keep your sanity! Leave a comment, tell me your ideas, I am always open!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Pot...

This is a crock pot...

I'm sure you all knew that already.

You would think that being the busy mom that I am, I would invest more of my time in one of these, instead of doing the majority of my cooking on Sunday evenings and eating basically leftovers for the rest of the week while I am at school.

You would think...

However, this just isn't the case. I have recently received Crock Pot Cooking 101 tips from some close friends, and I am going to give it a try. But I need some help.

I only have a few recipes that will work for it. I did a roast the other day, and I made some Chicken Taco Soup that was delicious. But there was somebody home, either my husband or myself to monitor the food.

My issue I have with doing crock pot food is that I am gone for LONG days. I leave around 7 am and don't get home until around 5pm Monday-Thursday. Which means that I would need to leave it in "the pot" for at least 9 hours. And I don't want things to overcook, dry out, etc.

So this is where you come in...
I need some yummy recipes for crock pots that can survive a 9 hour cooking session on low, without having to be turned, or stirred, or pulled apart half way through. HELP!!!

I really want to make this work, because my Sunday nights are getting long, and eating right out of the pot sounds so much better!

You can leave recipes here, or leave me your email and I will send you my email address and we can exchange ideas! Thanks so much!

1 comment:

  1. I pretty much only cook in the crock pot! I have tons of recipes! I think that most of them might work for 9 hours if you put the meat in frozen instead of thawed? I don't know! Send me your email and I will write a bunch down for you! Love you! I should be there around the second week in may and I think I'm going to stay for 2 to 3 weeks!
