Alli is my name, Super Woman is my calling. Or at least my father in law seems to think so. I am a wife of 6 years, mother of two wild and crazy boys, full time college student, maid, cook, etc. I'm not perfect by any means, but I think everybody has got a few tricks up their sleeves to help keep their sanity in the busy world of today. I hope you enjoy this fun (hopefully) blog of my tricks and trades of motherhood and ideas to keep your sanity! Leave a comment, tell me your ideas, I am always open!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Everyone loves a good binge...

If you are anything like me, you love a good baking binge as much as the next person. Some people prefer to get their baking binge needs fulfilled at an actually bakery, while I tend to turn my kitchen into one.

I generally get into my little baking/cooking sprees when I have long breaks from school (Thanksgiving and Christmas mostly). This could probably account for those holiday pounds that always seem to linger over my head. I wish I could just wrap up those extra pounds in pretty wrapping and gift them to my skinny friends. (You know who you are!)

Well today, oddly not during a long break, I started my baking binge at about 5pm. As a result I ended up with Yellow cupcakes, so yummy!

I'm not a huge frosting fan so I usually do the bare minimum, but it is chocolate frosting after all, and I just cant give that up.

Then I went on to MONSTER chocolate chip cookies!

I guess you can't really tell by the picture but these are MONSTER cookies. They are super thick and perfect. Feel free to be jealous now :)

The funny things about these baking binges is I really don't even eat much of the stuff I make. I usually send a lot with Ben for the guys he works with, or the kiddos are always in line for them of course! If you want the recipe for them just let me know! In the mean time, control your drooling....really though, nobody wants to see that.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Camera shy?!? I think not...

I think every parent has moments when their kids are throwing a tantrum or freaking out about something silly, and then they wonder how to get them to calm down and not make a huge scene.This is the meltdown I get from Wyatt when he wants to play games on my Ipod but it is charging. I also get this meltdown in most public places, fun right?

Well I think I have figured out the trick to getting him to chill out quickly, without either of us making a scene.

Grab the camera and tell him to say Cheese!

This was taken literally seconds after the first one. I got his attention, said "Wyatt, say Cheese!" and BAM! Tantrum over. He got distracted by the picture and once it was done and he got to look at it, he was on his merry way to go play with his big brother. I don't know if this will work for you, but it's worth a try!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sleeping Ninja

Being a busy mom can be, well, busy :) I was driving home today from classes in Pocatello (about 45 minutes away from my home) wondering how it is that people feel it is necessary to pack so much into schedules that it leaves no breathing room, including me. I literally went to bed last night at 8:30pm because my body was giving out to exhaustion!

Well no matter how much sleep I get at night I somehow can't seem to get enough, so I have mastered the art of being coy while sleeping during class. I call this my "Sleeping Ninja Approach!"

Of course the last two are a little more obvious, but if you are going to attempt any of these maneuvers, sit behind a very tall student toward the back of the class. Works like a charm :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Thanks to Despicable Me...Not

While I love the movie Despicable Me, and the kids love it too, it has created an epidemic in our lives as of late. I call it "potty talk" but you can call it whatever you like. Multiple times in the movie, many of the characters will say, "Oh, Poop!"
Well Adam has picked this up rather quickly, and of course Wyatt does whatever Adam does.
Such a lovely habit, so whenever something isn't going their way, they say "Oh Poop". Or the adapted version that they think is equally funny, "Oh Pee" or "Oh Toilet", or a combination of all three. Any suggestions on how to get them to stop with all the Potty Talk? I have tried telling them that it is not appropriate, but it's not working. HELP!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kids do the darndest things...

Lately my boys have been waking up earlier than normal, like 5am early! And being the busy, and exhausted mom that I am, I generally know they wont get into too much trouble, so I let them watch cartoons, or whatever until it's time to get up.

Well this morning, it was really quiet when Wyatt was awake, so I knew something was up. I walked into the hallway to see Wyatt in the reflection of his bathroom mirror, stark naked.

At first I was going to laugh, until I noticed that he was practically covered from head to toe in poop and shampoo. (No I didn't think a photo was appropriate here, plus I was too mad!)

He had done #2 in his overnight diaper, and instead of coming to get me, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Attempting to remove his own diaper (getting it all down his legs and hands.)

Then knowing that he was dirty, thought that the shampoo would clean him off. So he dumped almost an entire bottle of kids shampoo all over him (and the floor of course) and began to rub it in when I interrupted his cleaning session.

I was mad, he thought it was funny, and lets just say that he had a very bubbly bath right after.

This boy get's into everything!!!

But at least he is super cute, I just can't stay mad at that little face!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Super Yummy Sweet Potatoes

If your kids are like mine, they aren't much of veggie eaters. Adam will eat almost anything, but Wyatt has a veggie detector and won't eat them without disguising them somehow. Well this is a go to recipe for Mashed Sweet Potatoes that leaves my boys asking for 2nds.


  • 3 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 1/2 stick butter
  • 1 banana, sliced
  • 1 orange, zested and juiced
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg
  • Salt and pepper


Boil potatoes until tender, drain and reserve. Return the pot to the stove top over medium heat. Add butter and bananas to the pot. Cook bananas 5 minutes and add the juice of 1 orange to the pot, reserve the zest. Allow the juice to cook out, 1 minute. Add potatoes to the pot and the stock and sugar. Mash potatoes, banana, stock and sugar together until well combined. Season with nutmeg, salt, pepper and orange zest, to your taste. Mash to combine spices and serve.

I don't add the salt and pepper but I leave it out in case somebody wants it. I also put a dab of butter and a sprinkle of brown sugar on the finished product. These potatoes are great to go along with any holiday dinner or just for a side dish during the week. It is quick, easy, and can also go great with Pork, as shown here. So yummy, enjoy!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why Potty Training is Easier after the first kid...

Adam, my oldest boy, was HELL to potty train. At first he would seem interested but then went into a regression, so we didn't push it.

He was finally potty trained by the time he was 3 1/2 (I know that's so long!). I didn't want to have that same experience with my second little guy Wyatt who is now 2 1/2.

Thankfully, Adam was willing to help, and he really did.
Whenever I know it is time for Wyatt to use the potty, Adam will tell him

"Wyatt, if you want to be a big boy like me and wear underwear all the time and not a diaper, then we have to go potty huh?"

It works like a charm every time, and Wyatt trots his way to the "big boy potty" Because he wants to be just like his big brother, it's so sweet :)

So if you are having trouble potty training you little ones, use the older siblings to talk it up. If you are potty training your first luck?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

All in a Dumb and Dumber day...

While eating dinner tonight, Adam my 5 year old took a bite of mashed potatoes and then burst in to frantic tears! What is going on you ask? I had no idea.

Until he slightly sticks out his tongue, revealing several little purple/red spots/bruises. Shocked as I was I started asking him..

Did you bite your tongue?

No (sobbing)

Did you burn your tongue?

No (sobbing harder)

What happened then?

niklajsiflsjf (a bunch of jumbled words combined with sobbing that it was inaudible)

After a few minutes of calming him down he explains what happened at school this morning...

Now only imagine this with sweet little Adam, stuck to a bike rack before school started this morning. Poor kid, but it is seriously funny to think about.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Exhibit A

My husband's work shift is 4 days on and 4 days off. So on the days that I have school and he's not working, he is generally responsible for getting Adam to the bus on time (which is only on the corner). Why is this such a hard task for my husband you ask?

He likes to sleep, very hard.

Exhibit A
He sleeps so hard he fell asleep on a pencil sharpener! Who does that?

Exhibit B
If Ben is sleeping, it usually means he has dragged the kids to snuggle with him.

Sweet but irritating when there is very little time to get a grumpy, not such a morning person, 5 year old ready for school. So what happens? He misses the bus, of course.

What to do to prevent this hopefully:

Make lunches the night before
Pack backpacks
Lay out clothes the night before

Oh yeah, WAKE UP EARLY!!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Anniversary Ideas

It is only fitting, since today is my 6 year anniversary today with my hubby that I share some ideas for anniversary outings.

Ben and I try to alternate years for planning things for our anniversary. Sadly this year is my year and he has to work, so it makes things a little difficult. On top of having a winter anniversary limiting the options when it comes to outdoor activities. A few of the things we have done...

When we lived in Salt Lake City, UT it was easier to find things to do so we...

Went to a Jazz Basketball game (Against the Magic and Yes of course the Jazz won!)
Had an overnight stay at an upscale hotel, with massages
Went to the Melting Pot (yummy!)

Now that we live in a smaller town in Idaho, our options get pretty limited unless we want to travel, which we all know is not the most ideal right after the holidays...

We have gone Ice skating and hot cocoa after

Stayed at Destinations Inn (A themed hotel)

Sushi :)
And this year is a little more casual, we aren't going to go out, I am bringing an intimate picnic to our living room. Complete with mini foods, little anniversary desserts, candles, blankets, pillows and a good movie (yet to be decided).

But to do all of this there is one thing that you absolutely need...


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Getting my groove back...

I'm sure by now most kids around the country have started to go back to school for their second half of the school year. Adam started back this past Monday and I have had the luxury of being able to stay home for the week, as I don't go back to school until the 10th. But as school approaches I am glad for one thing. No not homework silly! A routine. I think, no, I know that having a schedule keeps me more organized, and I think keeps me sane most of the year. (I know I said most!)

Getting back into the groove of things is what is exciting for me. I know what to expect, and I have an order of getting things done. Some may call this OCD, I call it, Super Mom Organizing!

I am a list person, I make a list for almost everything. The most important is the stuff that I know will take up a lot of time, because lets face it, being a wife, mom, student/employee, chef, doesn't leave a lot of time to wiggle...yet I still seem to find places that I jiggle :(

I make lists for 3 weeks of menu planning at a time, then I cook 5 days worth of food on Sunday, then zip loc it up, or freeze it so I don't have to worry about cooking during the week when I am in school.

Menu planning is tough on it's own, but I also try to only go grocery shopping every 3-4 weeks. Don't get me wrong, it is a whopper of a shopping trip, but this way it gives me more time at home, and less time worrying about what to eat for dinner and such. Hope this little insight helps somebody, it has helped me for sure, I got the tip from a neighbor! Plus it saves on groceries too!

Happy Listing!

The ideal bribe...

On a day like today, when I have a ton of things to do and a million errands to run, unruly children are not the most ideal. Of course it's hard to tell when those moments of chaos are going to pop up with kids. So I have a solutions for all parents...


Dum Dum suckers are my best friend these days. My kids are nightmares to go shopping with, and I have found that the only way to keep him from running away, pulling things off of shelves, throwing things out of carts, is to pop a lollipop in his little mouth, and he is silent and occupied for at least 10-15 minutes.

Even Wyatt just knowing that he could possibly earn a lollipop, means that he will be an angel. And I am not shy when it come to bribing him with one...I think bribery is ideal!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

When left to their own devices...

Getting my 5 year old ready for school in the morning can be a chore when the bus comes by at 8am. So Wyatt, my 2 1/2 year old is left to his own devices until I get his brother out the door most mornings. After taking Adam to the bus stop on the corner, being out of the house for maybe 5 minutes, this is what I found...
Of course at this point my jaw dropped and I wanted to freak out, but all I could do was laugh, take a quick photo to look back on when he's older, and take him to clean up. Although he was quite upset when he had to change his striped jet shirt for a less lotion covered hoodie. Figures.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How to get your kids to crash!!!

Did anybody else let their kids stay up for New Years, let them load up on sugar, then have wicked time trying to get them to bed. I DID! To make things worse, we were out of town, with a ton of family and cousins, and at a hotel. (I think they line their heater vents with sugar residue so kids will inhale and want to go crazy!)
So I did what any sane mother would do to try to get them to sleep...sing songs, tell stories, rub backs, and when that didn't work...

About 15 minutes of jumping on the beds like a crazy, sugar coated 2 1/2 year old, and this was the end result...
Thank You! And goodnight :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I'm not going to take the credit for this one, but I thought that this was just so funny!
When you become a mom, there seems to be so little time for yourself, even for the necessities like a shower. Over time you learn to do things like shower during nap times, at night once the kids are asleep, or use the mommy shower equation as follows.

Take 2 Baby wipes + apply to necessary areas (armpits etc.) = The Mommy Shower

Thanks Meaghan :)

New Year, New Blog, New Goals

I had a crazy dream last night that I needed to start a new blog. Maybe it is the New Year feeling in the air that pushed me to do this but I am going to enjoy it so I hope you all are too. Every year at this time I get in front of my computer and make a list of goals (50) that I want to accomplish through the next year. Goals for myself, my family, my wallet... I review if often through the year and cross things off as I go. It's a great way to organize my thoughts and put down our family goals in writing. Here are the goals from 2010, the black are the ones that were accomplished. Then I just roll the goals unfinished onto the next year, unless they have changed in some way.
2010 GOALS

1. Get Wyatt Potty trained

2. Pass the Praxis 1 test

3. Take 10 credits over the summer

4. Get a 3.5 or better every semester

5. Get Sprinklers in.

6. Get a lawn in.

7. Finish the room under the kitchen.

8. Paint the kitchen/living room.

9. Take a vacation just me and Ben

10. Start Adam in Kindergarten (YIKES!)

11. Get Adam bunk beds

12. Get Wyatt into a toddler bed

13. Teach Adam to shower without help

14. Get Adam in swim lessons

15. Make the denim family blanket

16. Make love to Ben 3+ times per week (sorry if TMI, it varied :)

17. Have more family pictures.

18. Get new couches!

19. Make at least 2 extra house payments

20. Pay off the credit card.

21. Get the carpets cleaned

22. Get our Melaluca business going.

23. Quit my job!

24. Take a cooking class!

25. Learn to make Fried Chicken

26. Have a big 4th of July bar B Q

27. Host a fondue party

28. Do a family scrapbook

29. Get curtain rods for the living room and master bedroom

30. Get blinds for the boys rooms

31. Do a wedding album

32. Do a wedding scrapbook

33. Plan a surprise party for Ben’s birthday!

34. Get Ben a new wedding band.

35. Teach Adam to ride his bike w/o training wheels.

36. Teach Wyatt to ride the smaller red bike.

37. Teach Adam to read (ALMOST THERE!)

38. Get Adam on a summer t-ball team

39. Send out Christmas cards

40. Get concrete poured on the side of the house

41. Annual Cabin trip!

42. Get everybody to the Dentist!

43. Dress up for Halloween with the boys

44. Read a really good book!

45. Join the gym

46. Lose 30 pounds

47. Start donating plasma again

48. Send baby clothes to Landyn

49. Invite Kade and Remi to stay for a weekend.

50. Keep our family safe, happy and healthy!

23/50 doesn't seem like a lot, but 50 goals is tough to accomplish. Try this with your family and see how it goes. I think having some sort of plan or outline helps even the most scatterbrained and unorganized people accomplish a lot!